Friday, October 21, 2016

Third Presidential Debate

Presidential election has been the hottest topic these days in America. Therefore, I would like to comment on the third presidential debate.

The third presidential debate started with two major candidates, Hillary and Trump, talking about their vision for the country. From my point of view, this is just a corny cliché, even though they did both sound pretty good and ambitious when they are talking about where the country should be directed to.

They first talked about Second Amendment. In where I grew up, Taiwan, it is illegal for anyone to own a gun. I am more conservative on this topic, and I believe that the regulation on gun control should be stricter because most people do not have consciousness when they are extremely agitated or mentally ill. Therefore, when they have a powerful weapon, it will be easy for them to cause a lot of harm to others. Let me use the 2014 Taipei Metro attack as the example. The criminal, Cheng Jie who was already executed in May this year, planned on killing people on Taipei Metro for a year before he committed the crime. However, because it is not easy for him to have access to fire arms in Taiwan, so he could only use the most accessible weapon, knife, to stab people on Taipei metro, and he ended up killing 4 people and injured many others on that day. However, if you compare with the gun shooting events in America, such as the Orlando nightclub shooting, you can easily tell that a single person can easily cause 10 times more people killed before the police arrive. Therefore, for the safety of the general public, I am more on the side with Hillary on this issue. Besides, there are many other alternative weapons you can use to defend yourself without causing death, such as electric gun, Taser, pepper spray, etc. Therefore, I agree with a stricter regulation on gun control.

The next thing they debated on is one of the oldest but also the most controversial issues people talk about, abortion. My opinion on this topic is also agreed with Hillary’s idea. I agreed more with Hillary’s idea that women should have the right to have abortion, and Hillary also gave a convincing example on why women should have the right and free will to have abortion without being punished. I also found another report written by a woman talking about her late-term abortion, Late-Term Abortion Was the Right Choice for Me. As we grow older, we should understand that life very often doesn’t work out in the way we want. One good example is divorce. Do you think those divorced couples, which is 50% of the marriage, planned on get divorced in a few years before they got married? Of course not. When something unexpected occurs, we have to make decision what choice is for the best result for the most sides. However, every individual has their own personal and family issues. It is wrong that we have the right to get involved in others’ personal issue, which is just how unreasonable it is when we think homosexual people should not have the legal right to get married. Who are we to decide others’ decision on their own lives?

Due to the word limit of the assignment, I think I need to stop here. However, I have read several news articles that give very in-depth and interesting analyses on the third presidential debate, such as Trump always takes the bait and otherdebate takeaways and Fact Checks of the Third PresidentialDebate. If you are interested, you can click in and take a look. The last thing I would like to comment on is the way they debate. Hillary, from my point of view, is more legitimate and mature than Trump in the sense that she will give you an idea on how she is going to achieve her goal for this country, instead of talking about how good her plan is without giving how she is going to achieve it, which is how I perceive Trump. Another thing I noticed is that Trump was a lot more in control in the first half of the debate than the last two presidential debate. However, he got out of control again in the second half of the debate and started interrupting Hillary in a childish way by saying “Wrong” again while she was talking. Also, he even said Hillary was “such a Nasty Woman” while Hillary was addressing how she was not going to cut benefits by collecting tax from wealthy people. Overall, I think Trump is still a childish boy instead of a mature man from the way he argued with Hillary.

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